Relative flight training (for obtaining the A License)
If you have completed the Progressive Free Fall training (PFF), are a solo certified and have between 10 and 25 jumps, you will be eligible for the relative flight program, also known as Post-PFF.
Required for the A License, the program usually includes 5 jumps with one instructor (5 levels) and 20 minutes of free fall simulator.
The 5 Post-PFF jumps generally take place as follows:
Jump | Plane exit | Free fall maneuvers | Maneuvers under canopy |
Level 1 | Rear Floater | Review of basic positions | Flat turns |
Level 2 | Front Floater | Going forward, backward, up and down | Rear risers turn |
Level 3 | Drifting Floater | Centered turns | Front risers turn |
Level 4 | Delta dive | Side slides | Avoidance maneuvers |
Level 5 | Group exit | Dive approach | Break with risers |
* Jump repeats may be required if levels are unsuccessful.
*Post-PFF jumps are the same as jumps with a PFF training instructor, 155$ plus taxes.
All jumps in your Post-PFF training will be filmed, which will allow you to see, with the help of your instructor, the necessary improvements.
During your Post-PFF training, you will learn:
- Some theoretical and practical aspects of skydiving safety
- Some equipment concepts (how to select your equipment, how to check another person’s equipment, etc.)
- The entry order to be respected in the aircraft
- The use of parachute safety systems (Cypress, Vigil, etc.)
- To be an solo skydiver able of jumping in a group